I know this older couple, The Sullenger's, who live here in Grenada who are on a mission with their church. They are from the same town as me and they know my parents. And the lady, Marie, used to be a school teacher, so she has been giving me some advice on things for my school attachment and what not. Well anyways, every once in a while I will meet up with them and have dinner at their place. And just to be nice they offer for me to stay the night at their nice 3 bedroom apartment near the golf course.
Last night I met up with them and we went to go see a movie (my first time at to the theatre since we got here :) and afterwards we went back to their place and had dinner. They are very sweet people and it's comforting to know that they look after me sometimes.
Anyways, after dinner I was pretty tired and went into one of the spare bedrooms, closed the door, and went to bed. In the middle of the night I kinda woke up a little because my hands were itching (I realized it was mosquito bites) and in my sleepy haze I was like "how did these sneaky things get in here"...and I looked up and noticed that the door was open. So, I was thinking, "well that's strange" because I remembered closing it "but maybe the wind pushed it open or something." So, I rolled back over and went back to sleep. A few minutes later I was still itching, so I thought to myself, I guess I'll get up and close the door again. And at that very moment that I started to sit up.....A MAN FROM IN THE SHADOWS OF THE ROOM WENT RUNNING OUT THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!
Out of sheer shock and terror, I jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to the Sullenger's bedroom screaming and screaming and screaming!!!!! I screamed louder than I ever knew was possible!! I'm sure I must have almost given them a heart attack. I told them that I had seen a man in my room...and I'm sure they thought that I must have been imagining things or just had a bad nightmare. But sure enough as we went out into the living room....we all realized that someone must have been in the apartment because we noticed things were missing. At first we thought that the burglar had just taken the laptop. After the shock had worn off we called the police.
We then started to look around the apartment to make sure that he was not still hiding somewhere. And we also were looking around to see how this person could have gotten in. A police officer showed up about 30 minutes later. It was then that we realized that Marie's camera and money was also taken from her purse.
We also called the landlord to tell them what happened, he and his whole family came over. And after hearing my scream, the downstairs neighbor also came up to see what was happening. After all 8 of us talked about what happened and how he must have gotten in and escaped and it all....the sun was already coming up. Needless to say, I didn't sleep after that.
In the morning we were looking around the perimeter of the house and saw one of Marie's necklaces on the ground below the 2nd story balcony (which led us to believe that he must have jumped from there). The necklace that we found had been in their master bathroom which is only accessible through their bedroom (meaning that he had also snuck into their room as well).
After all was said and done, we figured out how he got in and escaped. But it was pitch black in my room and I was completely unable to see what he looked like. And while the police did take some finger prints, I'm almost certain that this person is completely going to get away with this.
I am entirely grateful that this situation didn't escalate to anything else (i.e. injury, rape, murder), but I can't stop thinking... WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING JUST STANDING IN THE DARK IN THE ROOM WHERE I WAS SLEEPING??!!?! My wallet was right on the dresser...and yet no money was taken from it. That is the creepiest and scariest feeling I have ever had in my entire life.
I'm hoping that I never experience anything like this ever again.